Thursday, December 17, 2009

Man Dunk Tank Who Would Be The Best Person From R&S To 'man' A Dunk Tank At The County Fair?

Who would be the best person from R&S to 'man' a dunk tank at the county fair? - man dunk tank

For those of you who know in the U.S. (and probably elsewhere) have dunk tanks in the distant land, where a guy sitting at a table and pay the people who throw the ball into the goal if it is concerned the Council is the collapse and the person falling into a water tank.

Often this is done for a good cause, and saw the County Commissioners, and the noise you get on the ledge.

Dunkee work is a little ridiculous (without insults) the person to thwart the ball and make as much money as possible while trying to reach the spending target throws.

Therefore, adopting think that all the money was for a good cause, like cancer research, a person of the R & S Goes to raise as much money as dunkee.

I say Godzilla. Although I feel the DogSneeze could be a good option.


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