Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chest Infection Red Blotches Please Help... Had A Chest Infection & Flu-like Symptoms, Why Have I Got Red Blotches On My Face?

Please help... had a chest infection & flu-like symptoms, why have I got red blotches on my face? - chest infection red blotches

It started as a cold and my swollen glands, chills, etc., which lasted more than 4 or 5 days. Now they have disappeared, but I still feel very low, wash my hair tires. I woke up this morning and my face is swollen and red spots ... What? I just moved and not with a doctor not registered yet.


Anonymous said...

If the United Kingdom, the NHS Direct telephone service .... They are trained to understand the symptoms and use, if necessary.

The number is: 08454647

Do it now!

Caroline said...

I will make you not afraid, but that seems not very good at all! Someone ring now if we are with you, then go to the hospital. Do not drive yourself. Ring 999, if necessary.

If the rash (red spots on the face) do not fade under pressure - Put a glass against it, there could be meningitis. This is a serious Help!

Milos K said...

D> O> C> T>> R

tjhand50... said...

not to go to a doctor

starlet1... said...

It is necessary to consult a doctor because they can be contagious, or you may need antibiotics. Contact consult your local hospital if you have a family doctor yet - some have one foot in the GP section.

Penfold said...

Get an emergency apt with the nearest doctor.

Sir Sidney Snot said...

NHS Direct telephone advice

Anonymous said...

Get the computer and into hospital

Evo said...

Sounds like the bird flu thing ... like other sensitive persons have been advised ...

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