Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Long For Hearing To Return After Ear Infection Ear Infection! How Long Can They Take To Drain And Hearing Return?

Ear Infection! How long can they take to drain and hearing return? - how long for hearing to return after ear infection

I am more of an ear infection, which began last Sunday, the doctor has me on antibotics pain is gone, but the ear still feels full and moist. May take time for this trip? Is there something bad happens?


Stephen said...

If you wait several weeks, as the last person who said that the problem is much, much worse ....

If you are on antibiotic eye drops are infected, should in a few (3-4 away) days. If you can oral antibiotics, one or two days. I expect that about 5 days. If you still have that feeling in the ear, then back to your doctor.

J B said...

There is something bad happen again. It is a normal symptom of an ear infection and may take several weeks or more before the symptoms have disappeared.

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