Friday, January 1, 2010

Cattle Futures Prices Obama & Hillary Seem To Be So Great With Land Investments, Do You Think They Could Get Us Another State Cheap?

Obama & Hillary seem to be so great with land investments, do you think they could get us another state cheap? - cattle futures prices

OBAMA - In June 2005, Obama and Rezko purchased adjoining parcels in Kenwood. Clinton has paid 1.65 million U.S. dollars for a Georgian house of rest, while Rezko paid $ 625,000 for the lot is not built nearby. Both are closed on their properties, the same day.
In January this year with the aim to increase the size of his sideyard, Obama paid Rezko $ 104,500 for a piece of land.

Hillary On October 11, 1978, opened the future First Lady, a novice investor with an annual income of $ 25,000, a commodity futures account with a deposit base of $ 1,000. His first deal was the sale of ten contracts of live cattle at a price of 57.55 cents per pound: a commitment for delivery in December this year, EUR 400,000, with a market value of $ 230,200 won. A day later, he bought the contracts at a price of 56.10 cents, just 0.15 percent above the low of the day, pocketing $ 5,300 for a return of 530 percent.


Nick the Great said...

Yes, we can say that the state of oblivion with the Capitol in the city called Insanity

Matt said...

Politics has become a lucrative career.

The Clintons have made very good, and it seems that the child was a senator from Illinois, to learn a lot. I wonder if you use the seminars of the earth in the Senate. Maybe that's why I rarely works. How to scam America. Seminar will begin at 10 clock in the office of Senator Kennedy. Free Crown Royal.

UNCLE BEN said...

I doubt that I purchased ... New York Hitlery and Osama ... I mean, Obama has bought Illinois. I suspect they have the same kind of plan for the other 49 or so ...

suthrnly... said...

Hey, I think the few places they could sell. I wonder if they are interested? Hey could we pay our debt. LOL

Check your e-mail.

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